These prices are too damn high!


Check the date on the Time Magazine cover… yep, that’s 1977.

This is a story line that continues on to this day… Real Estate Prices are too high. But are they?? Maybe you would like to move to another modern Western country and try your luck… because, the truth is, the prices in the United States are cheap by comparison...


And most importantly, as a function of incomes, the cost of housing in the United States is downright affordable vs. the other options.


There is no doubt, we have had quite the run on pricing as of late - so you are going to hear this a lot. We are leading the nation for price gains… so, you should expect a bit of a breather as psychology catches up to reality:

Top State Home Price Gains 12-Months Ending July 2021

33.6% Idaho

28.4% Arizona

25.7% Utah

23.5% Montana

22.4% Nevada

22.0% Rhode Island

21.7% Washington

21.2% Tennessee

20.9% Indiana

20.6% New Hampshire

But, there's a case to be made for the fact that we have a lot of room to continue upward, just at a more reasonable / acceptable pace from here on out. Less frothy and more fundamental.

Because, the truth is… houses are just downright affordable right now.


So, are we really in a “bubble” and the prices have gotten too damn high… or are we just getting started because we have a lot of catching up to do?

Time will tell… Good luck out there!


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